Pokemon Go Ferroseed Incense Day: Date & time, bonuses, more

Pokemon Go announced a new Incense Day event featuring Ferroseed, so here’s everything you need to know, including boosted spawns, bonuses, and more.
Pokemon Go players are getting ready to celebrate Go Fest 2024, but there are also many other events coming to the title soon.
Here’s everything you need to know about the Ferroseed Incense Day in Pokemon Go, including date and time, boosted Incense encounters, and more.
Pokemon Go Ferroseed Incense Day date & time
The Incense Day: Ferroseed event will take place on Sunday, May 26, 2024, from 11 AM to 5 PM (local time) in Pokemon Go.
This will be one of the last events in the World of Wonders season that concludes on June 1, 2024.
Pokemon Go Ferroseed Incense Day event bonuses
Trainers will enjoy the following bonuses during the Pokemon Go Ferroseed Incense Day:
- Incense is more likely to attract Ferroseed.
- Increased chance to encounter shiny Ferroseed.
- Daily Adventure Incense lasts twice as long when activated during the event.

Pokemon Go Ferroseed Incense Day Incense encounters
The following Pokemon will be attracted to Incense during the Pokemon Go Ferroseed Incense Day event:
Grass-type Pokemon
- Hisuian Voltorb*
- Tangela*
- Hoppip*
- Petilil*
- Phantump*
- Morelull*
Steel-Type Pokemon
- Galarian Meowth*
- Magnemite*
- Aron*
- Beldum*
- Shieldon*
- Togedemaru
You’ll encounter Grass-type Pokemon at the following times:
- 11 AM to 12 PM (local time)
- 1 PM to 2 PM (local time)
- 3 PM to 4 PM (local time)
And you’ll find Steel-type Pokemon at the following times:
- 12 PM to 1 PM (local time)
- 2 PM to 3 PM (local time)
- 4 PM to 5 PM (local time)
Species marked with (*) can be shiny in Pokemon Go.
Pokemon Go Ferroseed Incense Day Field Research
Pokemon Go players that spin PokeStops during the Ferroseed Incense Day event will get event-themed Field Research tasks. Completing tasks consisting on catching Grass and Steel-type Pokemon will reward you with Stardust, Pinap Berries, Ultra Balls, and Great Balls.
We’ll make sure to update this section once these Field Research tasks are available in the game.
That’s everything you need to know about the Incense Day: Ferroseed event in PoGo. For more on the mobile game, check out our other guides:
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